MaxQ Spaceflight Toolkit Released to Unreal Engine Marketplace



Spaceflight Toolkit for Unreal Engine 5

MaxQ Spaceflight Toolkit for Unreal Engine 5 has been released to the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

MaxQ empowers developers to easily build authentic spaceflight visualizations or space-based gameplay, requiring no programming experience or astronautical engineering degree to get started. The toolkit solves challenging space flight problems in Unreal Engine 5’s powerful real-time visualization environment. The integration opens up new opportunities across a spectrum of applications.

MaxQ Spaceflight Toolkit toolkit is an integration of the very powerful NASA SPICE Toolkit with the (amazing) real-time experience creation tool Unreal Engine 5.

Gamergenic has made this toolkit available at no cost including commercial usage, under the MIT License.

Further Info may be found at:
MaxQ Spaceflight Toolkit on the Unreal Engine Marketplace
MaxQ GitHub repository
MaxQ Documentation Site
Spaceflight Simulation Developers on Discord

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