Perspectively Projected Orbits


Projecting the conic


template<class T>
struct ConicProjectionInputs
    Vector3<T>  E, Ce, Ne, Ue, Ve;
    T           A, B;
    Vector3<T>  Cp, Np, Up, Vp;
    T           TestTheta; 

    // ...


template<class T>
struct ConicProjectionOutputs
    ConicProjection<T> projection;
    ProjectionType projectionType;
    T ThetaLocation;


 * Implementation of:
 * (Originally published algorithm - the reference page has undergone a
 * significant rewrite since original publication.)
template<class T>
void ProjectConicToPlane(
    const ConicProjectionInputs<T>& inputs,
    ConicProjectionOutputs<T>& outputs
  // ...

Projecting the conic

// 1b
Matrix3x3<T> Re33;
Re33.SetCol(0, Ue);
Re33.SetCol(1, Ve);
Re33.SetCol(2, Ne);
Matrix3x3<T> Re33_T = Transpose(Re33);

Matrix<3, 2, T> Jp32;
Jp32.SetCol(0, Up);
Jp32.SetCol(1, Vp);
Matrix<2, 3, T> Jp32_T = Transpose(Jp32);

// 2a
Vector3<T> E_bar;
Vector3<T> Ce_bar;
T e0, e1, e2;

E_bar = Re33_T * (E - Ce);
Ce_bar = Re33_T * Ce;
e0 = E_bar[0]; e1 = E_bar[1]; e2 = E_bar[2];

// 2b
Matrix3x3<T> A_bar33;
Vector3<T> B_bar({ (T)0., (T)0., (T)2. / e2 });
T c_bar = -1.;

T a00 = (T)1. / sqr(d0);
T a11 = (T)1. / sqr(d1);
T a01 = (T)0.;
T a02 = -e0 / e2 * a00;
T a12 = -e1 / e2 * a11;
T a22 = (sqr(e0) * a00 + sqr(e1) * a11 - (T)1) / sqr(e2);

A_bar33.SetCol(0, Vector3<T>{a00, a01, a02});
A_bar33.SetCol(1, Vector3<T>{a01, a11, a12});
A_bar33.SetCol(2, Vector3<T>{a02, a12, a22});

// 2c
Matrix3x3<T> A33;
Vector3<T> B;
T c;

A33 = Re33 * A_bar33 * Re33_T;
B = Re33 * (B_bar - (T)2. * (A_bar33 * Ce_bar));
c = Dot(Ce_bar, A_bar33 * Ce_bar) - Dot(B_bar, Ce_bar) + c_bar;

// 2d
Matrix<2, 2, T> A_hat22;
Vector<2, T> B_hat;
T c_hat;

A_hat22 = Jp32_T * A33 * Jp32;
B_hat = Jp32_T * (B + (T)2. * (A33 * Cp));
c_hat = Dot(Cp, A33 * Cp) + Dot(B, Cp) + c;

// 3b
Matrix<2, 2, T> A_hat22_I = Inverse(A_hat22);
Vector<2, T> k = -(A_hat22_I * ((T)0.5 * B_hat));

T d = (T)0.25 * Dot(B_hat, A_hat22_I * B_hat) - c_hat;
Matrix<2, 2, T> M = ((T)1. / d) * A_hat22;

// 3c
// Factor M2 = R*D*R^T.
SymmetricEigensolver2x2<T> eigensolver;
std::array<T, 2> S;
std::array<std::array<T, 2>, 2> evec;
eigensolver(M(0, 0), M(0, 1), M(1, 1), -1, S, evec);

T a1 = 1. / sqrt(S[0]);

bool isHyperbolic = (S[1] < 0);
T a2 = 1. / sqrt(abs(S[1]));

Visibility Determination and Orbital Plane orientation

To determine visibility we’ll need to test a random point on the conic. A good point to test would be the current orbital position of the body/spacecraft, the orbit’s True Anomaly angle.

const auto cosT = cos(TestTheta);
const auto sinT = sin(TestTheta);
auto point = Ce + d0 * Ue * cosT + d1 * Ve * sinT;
auto tangent = -d0 * Ue * sinT + d1 * Ve * cosT;

auto toEyePoint = E - point;

bool forwardOfCamera = Dot(toEyePoint, Np) > 0;

Line3<T> line(point, toEyePoint);
Plane3<T> plane(Np, Cp);

FIQuery<T, Line3<T>, Plane3<T>> intersectionSolver;
auto result = intersectionSolver(line, plane);

auto pointOnProjectionPlane = result.point;
pointOnProjectionPlane -= Cp;

auto planeSpaceTangentCoords = Jp32_T * tangent;
auto planeSpaceCoords = Jp32_T * pointOnProjectionPlane;
planeSpaceCoords -= k;

Matrix<2, 2, T> R_T;
R_T.SetRow(0, evec[0]);
R_T.SetRow(1, evec[1]);

// And, now we know the location of this point in the conic's coord system!
auto conicSpaceCoords = R_T * planeSpaceCoords;

Determining whether the projection is forward of the projection plane, or an inverse projection from behind.

Hyperbolic Projection

If the projection is hyperbolic we’ll also need to know whether the visible portion of the orbit is the project from the X > 0 Hyperbola side of the conic equation, or the X < 0 side.

For a Hyperbola:

if ((conicSpaceCoords[0] > 0) ^ (!forwardOfCamera))
    projectionType = ProjectionType::PositiveHyperbola;
    projectionType = ProjectionType::NegativeHyperbola;

// Ensure the hyperbola is defined such that Cross(v1,v2) > 0
auto conicSpaceTangent = R_T * planeSpaceTangentCoords;
bool velocityPointsUpwards = conicSpaceTangent[1] > 0;
if ((projectionType == ProjectionType::PositiveHyperbola) != velocityPointsUpwards)
    a2 *= -1;

// Avoid dividing by zero, ... which realistically isn't going to happen
// because then we're not hyperbolic... Which, is why there's a singularity here
// that blows up the math anyways.
if (forwardOfCamera)
    ThetaLocation = atanh(conicSpaceCoords[1] * a1 / conicSpaceCoords[0] / a2);
    // The current object is off the projected hyperbola.
    // We can at least find out which side it's closer to...
    ThetaLocation = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
    if (atanh(conicSpaceCoords[1] * a1 / conicSpaceCoords[0] / a2) > 0)
        ThetaLocation *= -1;

Elliptical Projection

The elliptical case is a bit easier. Because the projected ellipse is closed, if any point lies forward of the camera the ellipse is visible, otherwise it is not.

if (forwardOfCamera)
    projectionType = ProjectionType::Ellipse;
    projectionType = ProjectionType::NotVisible;
Orbital Plane orientation

But, there are two ways to define the same ellipse, and we could have computed either one from all that math. The two ellipses have opposite orbital planet normals. Only one of them, though, will correctly map the orbital motion through the Ellipse, the one where the normal is the cross product of position and velocity… Which is the same unit vector as Cross(v1, v2), the position at theta = 0, and the position at theta = 90.

// Ensure the ellipse is defined such that Cross(v1,v2) > 0
if (planeSpaceCoords[0] * planeSpaceTangentCoords[1] - planeSpaceCoords[1] * planeSpaceTangentCoords[0] < 0)
    a2 *= -1.;

    ThetaLocation = atan2(-conicSpaceCoords[1] * a1, -conicSpaceCoords[0] * a2);
    ThetaLocation = atan2(+conicSpaceCoords[1] * a1, +conicSpaceCoords[0] * a2);
if (ThetaLocation < 0) ThetaLocation += twopi<T>;


Elliptical Projection

// SegmentList - X < Y for non-wrap around segments
//               X > Y if the segment wraps around 0   
template<class T>
bool ClipEllipseToFrustum(
    const FrustumParameters<T>& frustum,
    const ConicProjection<T>& projection,
    vector<ConicSegment<T>>& SegmentList
  // ...

Clipping the ellipse against the projected frustum boundaries

struct ClipChange
    int     Whom;
    bool    HiddenChange;
    T       When;
    int     HiddenState;
    ClipChange(int whom, bool hidden, T when)
        Whom = whom;
        HiddenChange = hidden;
        When = normalizeRadians0toTwoPi(when);
        HiddenState = 0;

vector<ClipChange> clipPoints;

T maxX = z * tan(fov / 2);
T maxY = maxX / aspectRatio;
T a, b, c;
T theta1, dt1;
T theta2, dt2;
bool interceptFound;

// Right
a = a1 * v1[0]; b = a2 * v2[0]; c = k[0];
if (ClipEllipse(a, b, c, (T)+maxX, interceptFound, theta1, dt1, theta2, dt2))
    if (interceptFound)
        //        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("X+ Clip at th = %f (%f)/ %f (%f)"), theta1, dt1, theta2, dt2);
        bool hidden = dt1 >= 0;
        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(0, hidden, theta1));
        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(0, !hidden, theta2));
    // Outside of frustum... early out!
    return false;

// Bottom
a = a1 * v1[1]; b = a2 * v2[1]; c = k[1];
if (ClipEllipse(a, b, c, (T)-maxY, interceptFound, theta2, dt2, theta1, dt1))
    if (interceptFound)
        bool hidden = dt2 >= 0;

        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(1, hidden, theta1));
        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(1, !hidden, theta2));
    // Outside of frustum... early out!
    return false;

// Left
a = a1 * v1[0]; b = a2 * v2[0]; c = k[0];
if (ClipEllipse(a, b, c, (T)-maxX, interceptFound, theta2, dt2, theta1, dt1))
    if (interceptFound)
        bool hidden = dt2 >= 0;

        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(2, hidden, theta1));
        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(2, !hidden, theta2));
    // Outside of frustum... early out!
    return false;

// Top
a = a1 * v1[1]; b = a2 * v2[1]; c = k[1];
if (ClipEllipse(a, b, c, (T)+maxY, interceptFound, theta1, dt1, theta2, dt2))
    if (interceptFound)
        bool hidden = dt1 >= 0;

        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(3, hidden, theta1));
        clipPoints.push_back(ClipChange(3, !hidden, theta2));
    // Outside of frustum... early out!
    return false;

// If we survived here, the ellipse is visible in at least one place...
// No clip points means it never crosses a frustum line/plane, so it must be fully visible
bool allVisible = clipPoints.empty();

if (allVisible)
    return true;

Visibility of individual segments

// The ellipse is hidden in at least one place...
// It will hidden anytime it's crossed 1 or more clip line.
// So, for each clip line noted, remove all states (via removing associated state
// changes) where that clip segment becomes hidden.

// We're effectively ref counting the segment 'hides'.
// Segments are visible anywhere there's zero hidden segments on the ref count.

// Start, by sorting the state changes by time...
    clipPoints.begin(), clipPoints.end(),
    [](const ClipChange& a, const ClipChange& b)
        return a.When < b.When;

// Loop twice through the list to wrap around the states...
int state = 0;
for (int _rawindex = 0; _rawindex < 2 * clipPoints.size(); ++_rawindex)
    int index = _rawindex % clipPoints.size();

    // We can't early out if the state is non-zero, because there may be
    // outstanding ref's to tally...

    // If this is the start of a segment, clear the hidden flag
    bool segmentIsHidden = clipPoints[index].HiddenChange;
    int whom = clipPoints[index].Whom;
    int bitFlag = 1 << whom;

    if (segmentIsHidden)
        state |= bitFlag;
        state &= (-1) ^ bitFlag;

    clipPoints[index].HiddenState = state;

// loop through twice again
// It would be moar elegant, logically, if these loops were combined.
// ... but its still only O(n) and this isn't an inner loop.
bool wasVisible = false;
T segmentStart = 0;
for (int _rawindex = 0; _rawindex < 2 * clipPoints.size(); ++_rawindex)
    int index = _rawindex % clipPoints.size();
    int hiddenState = clipPoints[index].HiddenState;

    // We can early out if this one's already been done...
    if (hiddenState == -1) break;

    bool visible = hiddenState == 0;
    if (!wasVisible && visible)
        segmentStart = clipPoints[index].When;
    else if (wasVisible && !visible)
        T segmentEnd = clipPoints[index].When;
        T segmentLength = segmentEnd - segmentStart;
        if (segmentLength < 0) segmentLength += twopi<T>;
        if (segmentStart < 0) segmentStart += twopi<T>;
        SegmentList.push_back(ConicSegment<T>(normalizeRadians0toTwoPi<T>(segmentStart), segmentLength));

    // Mark the state so we don't reconsider it... If, it was segmentized
    if (visible)
        clipPoints[index].HiddenState = -1;

    wasVisible = visible;

Clipping the elliptical projection against an individual line

*   Clip a screen-space projected ellipse to the viewable area

// Intercept:
//  a*cos(t) + b*sin(t) + c == d
template<class T>
bool ClipEllipse(T a, T b, T c, T d, bool& interceptsFustumLine, T& theta1, T& dt1, T& theta2, T& dt2)
    T R = (T)(sqrt(sqr(a) + sqr(b)));
    T act = (d - c) / R;

    // Is there an intercept?  Welp, can we take the arcos of act?
    if (act <= (T)1. && act >= (T)-1.)
        // Yes, there's an intercept!  Two, in fact!

        // Compute the phase shift
        T alpha = (T)atan2((double)b, (double)a);

        T arcos = (T)acos(act);
        theta1 = alpha + arcos;
        theta2 = alpha - arcos;

        dt1 = -R * sin(arcos);
        dt2 = +R * sin(arcos);
        interceptsFustumLine = true;
        return true;
        interceptsFustumLine = false;
        return d * act > 0;

    return false;

Hyperbolic Projection

We endeavor to clip our projected hyperbola against the frustum planes…

template<class T>
void ClipHyperbolaToFrustum(
    const FrustumParameters<T>& frustum,
    const ConicProjection<T>& projection,
    bool positiveOrientation,
    vector<ConicSegment<T>>& SegmentList
    // ...

Clipping the hyperbolic projection against the frustum boundaries

T maxX = z * tan(fov / 2);
T maxY = maxX / aspectRatio;
const Vector<2, T> screenDimentions({ maxX, maxY });

// { {direction}, {center} }
static const pair<Vector<2, T>, Vector<2, T>> clipLines[4] =
    // Top Line
    {{ +1,  0 }, { 0, +1 }},
    // Right Light
    {{  0, -1 }, { +1, 0 }},
    // Bottom
    {{ -1,  0 }, { 0, -1 }},
    // Left
    {{  0, +1 }, { -1, 0 }}

// rotate line's coordinate system coordinate system so:
// y ->  v1
// x -> -v2
// (we do this for convenience in intercepting the hyperbolic equation, in its standard form)
Matrix<2, 2, T> R;
R.SetRow(0, v1);
R.SetRow(1, v2);


// bit field of hidden/showing states....
int states = 0;
vector<pair <int, T>> stateChangeList;

const bool hidden = true;
const bool showing = false;

for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    const pair<Vector<2, T>, Vector<2, T>>& line = clipLines[i];

    bool initialState;
    T stateChanges[2];
    int n;

    ClipHyperbolaToLine(line, screenDimentions, R, positiveOrientation, k, a, b, initialState, stateChanges, n);

    if (initialState == hidden && n == 0)
        // The hyperbola is never on the visible side of this line...
        /// We can bail right now...
    int stateFlag = initialState ? hidden : showing;

    // Remember if this line initially was hidden or showing
    states |= stateFlag << i;

    // Add all state changes...
    if (n > 0)
        stateChangeList.push_back({ i, stateChanges[0] });
        if (n > 1)
            stateChangeList.push_back({ i, stateChanges[1] });

if (stateChangeList.size() > 0)
        stateChangeList.begin(), stateChangeList.end(),
        [](const  pair <int, T>& a, const  pair <int, T>& b)
            return a.second < b.second;

    // Ignore any cases where the line is visible to infinity (initially showing)
    int lastState = states;
    T segmentBegin {};

    // Loop through the state changes looking for transitions from
    // one or more hidden clip line bisections.
    for (int i = 0; i < stateChangeList.size(); ++i)
        const pair <int, T>& change = stateChangeList[i];

        int who = change.first;
        T when = change.second;

        int bitMask = (1 << who);

        // Flip the state...
        states ^= bitMask;

        bool visible = !states;

        if (!states && lastState)
            segmentBegin = when;
        else if (states && !lastState)
            SegmentList.push_back({ segmentBegin, when-segmentBegin });

        lastState = states;

Intersecting one line & hyperbola.

// Hyperbola:
//      sqr(x)/sqr(a) - sqr(y)/sqr(b) = 1
// Line:
//      A*x + B*y = C
// find the intersection... And discard cases where X < 0
template<class T>
int BisectHyperbola(T A, T B, T C, bool positiveOrientation, T a, T b, bool& initiallyHidden, T(&points)[2])
    double sign = positiveOrientation ? +1. : -1;

    // The intersection is solved by a simple quadratic equation....
    // (Easily derived by substititing the line equation into the hyperbola eq)
    T A_quad = sqr(B) - sqr(a * A / b);
    T B_quad = 2 * B * C;
    T C_quad = sqr(C) - sqr(a * A);

    T d = sqr(B_quad) - 4. * A_quad * C_quad;

    int n = 0;

    const Vector<2, T> lineNormal({ A, B });

    // First Asymptote
    const Vector<2, T> asymptote({ sign * a, -sign * b });

    // Does the first asymptote cross INTO the hidden side?  If so, it starts off hidden
    // By definition, the lines have a positive cross product in this case...
    // Which means their normal vector points towards the hidden side...
    // Which means the dot product of it and another line will be positive if it's heading off to the hidden side
    initiallyHidden = Dot(lineNormal, asymptote) > 0;

    // if the discriminant is > 0, there's two real roots
    if (d > 0)
        // But only one of them is against the x>0 half of the hyperbola we care about...
        T x, y;

        // (Wash)
        // Solve the quatratic, using the '-' discriminant
        T q = (-B_quad - sqrt(d)) / (2. * A_quad);

        // what does the quadratic yield?  the point intersection point (x(y), y).
        y = q;
        // knowing y, we can resolve z...
        x = (-B * y - C) / A;

        // (Rinse)
        // We only care about the hyperbola in the same side as (x,y)...
        // Any -sign*x < 0 intersections are on the mirrored hyperbola, which is of no interest
        // to us in this use case.
        if (sign * x >= 0)
            // Intersetction at: {x, y}
            points[n++] = atanh(y / x * a / b);

        // (Repeat.)
        // using the '+' discriminant
        q = (-B_quad + sqrt(d)) / (2. * A_quad);
        y = q;
        x = (-B * y - C) / A;

        if (sign * x >= 0)
            points[n++] = atanh(y / x * a / b);
    // vvv -------------------
    // Included for clarity.
    // (The compiler is smart enough to optimize the branches away, ... Except for
    // unoptimized builds, which means you may want to set a breakpoint here anyways
    // since you're likely debugging.)
    else if (d == 0)
        // This case only happens if the intersection is a tangent...
        // In the case of a tanget, a hyperbola never crosses the line...
        // So, we don't care about this case.... as the hyperbola will never
        // need clipped here.
    else if (d < 0)
        // There are no real roots, to the quadratic, which means the line does
        // not intersect the hyperbola at all.
    // ^^^ -------------------

    return n;

But we have to transform the line, first…

template<class T>
void ClipHyperbolaToLine(
    const pair<Vector<2, T>, Vector<2, T>>& init,
    const Vector<2, T>& screenDimentions,
    const Matrix<2, 2, T>& R,
    bool positiveOrientation,
    const Vector<2, T>& k,
    T a, T b,
    bool& initialState,
    T (&stateChanges)[2],
    int& nStateChangeCount
    // Transform the line from screen space into the hyperbola's space...
    const Vector<2, T >& direction = init.first;
    const Vector<2, T >& center = init.second * screenDimentions;

    const Vector<2, T> direction_prime = R * direction;
    const Vector<2, T> center_prime = R * (center - k);

    // Get linear coefficients of the line in the form:
    // Ax + By + C = 0
    double A, B, C;
    A = -direction_prime[1];
    B = direction_prime[0];
    C = -A * center_prime[0] - B * center_prime[1];

    // Now the line is position in they hyperbola's space, so the intersection can be solved
    // via an intersection against a "standard" form hyperbola: x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 == 1
    nStateChangeCount = BisectHyperbola(A, B, C, positiveOrientation, a, b, initialState, stateChanges);



An example of tessellating the orbital line via CPU:

float thetaB = thetaA + segmentLength;
FVector2D c1 = Conic(thetaB);

FVector B = Center + c1.X * Axis1 + c1.Y * Axis2;

FVector AtoB = B - A;

const FVector TangentX = AtoB.GetSafeNormal();
const FVector TangentZ = CameraDirection.GetSafeNormal();
const FVector TangentY = (TangentX ^ TangentZ).GetSafeNormal();

Vertex.SetTangents((FVector3f)TangentX, (FVector3f)TangentY, (FVector3f)TangentZ);

FVector Perp = TangentY;
Perp *= LineThickness * 0.5f;

const FVector WorldProjectionPlanePositionA1 = A + Perp;
const FVector WorldProjectionPlanePositionA2 = A - Perp;

As noted, one benefit of projecting the orbit onto the plane is that we have an exact conic equation all the way through to the point of tessellation. (In addition to having precise bounds on the visible segments.)

// 'Conic' defines the 2D shape of our conic section.
// The possibilities of 'Circle' and 'Parabola' are treated as elliptical and hyperbolic.
FVector2D(*Conic)(float theta) = nullptr;

Where *Conic will be one of the following:

FVector2D UConicRendererComponent::Ellipse(float theta)
    return FVector2D(cos(theta), sin(theta));

FVector2D UConicRendererComponent::PositiveHyperbola(float theta)
    return FVector2D(cosh(theta), sinh(theta));

FVector2D UConicRendererComponent::NegativeHyperbola(float theta)
    return FVector2D(-cosh(theta), -sinh(theta));

Compute Shader

It makes sense to implement the algorithm on a CPU to prototype it or as a placeholder for a production renderer, but a production game should implement the algorithm via GPU in a compute shader. This can avoid the performance-killing dance of busying the CPU not only with tessellation (which GPUs are built for) but the API overhead of setting up draw calls & memcpying data between buffers.

Inherent parallelism is GPU friendly

Because we know the bounds on each visible segment, we can divide the segments by equal length units without creating tessellation artifacts. By “length” we mean the angular advancement in the trigonometrics (the “theta” angle, above.)

What’s more is… We can divide each segment into equal numbers of tessellation segments. And not only that, we know the maximum number of visible segments based on the number of orbits to be rendered.

This makes the whole algorithm hugely GPU friendly. A fixed number of buffers can be allocated and processed identically, in unison. And as a side benefit the algorithm transforms the orbital equations only a plane, so the vertices arrive pre-transformed.

The algorithm itself could be executed in a vertex shader, where the conic shapes arrive in constant buffers. The advantages of compute shaders is that the parallelism is more explicit and thus programmable.

Given the very high levels of parallelism available via the GPU aside from the setup overhead millions of orbits could be rendered nearly for free, if ever you need :).

We’re done here

Simple, eh?

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